Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Neosporin Lip Health | Chinese Take Out | Floating Bed

I have packed the majority of my apartment now, including my kitchen. My head and lips are on fire and I just saw a commercial for some Neosporin Lip Health...headed out for some right this moment!
(I'll let you know how it works.
A true test, since I've had chapped lips about a month longer than this headache.)

Also, some Chinese food (eating in is always more challenging when the contents of your kitchen is in cardboard.)

I’m sure the Chinese food will help with the headache that hasn’t budged in the last 10 days. Ache. Need to do laundry. Want to fall asleep, that probably won’t happen either.

It might be easier to fall asleep lately if I were trying to do it in this GORGEOUS Cradle bed by Okooko.

Oh well, maybe I can invest in that bed when I land the dream job.

Biggest Loser is on tonight. I like that show. It motivates me to be better…while I eat Chinese food.

1 comment:

Kimmers said...

Hey there stranger....The Neo. lip stuff is amazing. I have the night cream as well and I love it....I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have. xoxoxoxo