Tuesday, February 9, 2010

love letters | Sophia Peabody Hawthorne

My sweet friend Kelly Bird commented recently that the love letters were making her sad. Sad because she had not received a love letter from her sweet heart in all the years they had happily been together. Well, my darling Kelly, this post is for YOU!

Today’s letter was written by Sophia Peabody, wife of Nathaniel Hawthorne (author of The Scarlett Letter). It is a sweet and simple letter, not even what I would call a love letter, except it is. It is sweet because she is sending him a care package (allumette: Thin strips of puff pastry spread or filled with different savory mixtures (such as shrimp butter or grated cheese) and served as an hors d'oeuvre. A sweet filling turns this pastry into a dessert.) So sweet!

So Mrs Bird…you too can write a love letter to your sweet heart, then of course hint that you want one of your very own.

December 31, 1839

Best Beloved,--I send you some allumettes wherewith to kindle the taper. There are very few but my second finger could no longer perform extra duty. These will serve till the wounded one be healed, however. How beautiful is it to provide even this slightest convenience for you, dearest! I cannot tell you how much I love you, in this back-handed style. My love is not in this attitude,--it rather bends forward to meet you.
What a year has been to us! My definition of Beauty is, that it is love, and therefore includes both truth and good. But those only who love as we do can feel the significance and force of this.
My ideas will not flow in these crooked strokes. God be with you. I am very well, and have walked far in Danvers this cold morning. I am full of the glory of the day. God bless you this night of the old year. It has proved the year of our nativity. Has not the old earth passed away from us?--are not all things new?

Your Sophie

I think that is so sweet!

Have you found yourself a love?
Better hurry!

1 comment:

Emily Bartlett said...

Hi! Just found your blog through clicking and clicking on some of your sisters' blogs. Hope you are well.

Ok now I need to go read some of these love letters.... :)