Sunday, January 31, 2010

Domino Frame | Happy Birthday Charisse

I am so excited to share this little frame I made for one of my besties, Charisse. It was her birthday back at the beginning of January and due to complications with the glue I used and the dominoes falling off, there was a bit of a delay. Never the you go!

I originally used wood glue, after all the dominoes are wood. Or are they? Either way the wood glue did not work and they started popping off; even just sitting there I could hear them making this crickety noise as they came loose. In the end I used hot glue and I think it worked well. I wish I had used it first because with the black frame the wood glue sort of shown through when it dried. Once I figured it would all stay together I used some shiny spray and it looks fabulous. Charisse is all about fun – I think it runs in her blood…seriously. At any rate, this idea has been in my head for her for a long time, I’m glad I finally managed to complete it and get it in the mail.

Reese…did you get it?
Miss & love you…Happy Birthday!

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