Saturday, December 26, 2009

This is Lauren (a.k.a. Lolo):

She has been back home (in GA) for something close to 5 or 6 months. She goes to school at BYU-ID, but took this past semester off to come home and work/save money. She is leaving for the long drive back to Idaho tomorrow, so tonight we made our inaugural crawl to Waffle House. It’s not great food, as most of you know, but it’s our WH, so that makes it OK. (We sure missed Lins at WF, she started her drive back to SLC yesterday. Hope you made it safe honey.)

Lolo is so amazing, she has listened to me complain about everything from men to money and just grins and offers up her advise. She’s a masterpiece! She will likely not be coming back to Georgia until next Christmas, and I’m not sure where I’ll be, so we have vowed to stalk each other appropriately with text messages and emails.

Have a kick’n time in Rexburg lady. I miss you already (and you literally just left my apartment). Love you to pieces.

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