Wired & Wild Wednesday's...are wonderful!
It's the one day a week the vacuum must be run before and after the visit.
It's the one day a week that the kitchen must at least START clean.
It's the one day a week that I enjoy a decent meal...and so far I'm batting 2/2 on enjoyable food!
It's the one day a week that I enjoy at least part of a good movie.
It's the one day a week that I get to play with arts & crafts.
This past Sunday I visited Jo and she sent me home with about 6 or 7 child appropriate movies. (THANK YOU!) I was eager to see which the girls had not seen. Turns out, they had only seen one so we are set for a "new" movie for at least another month or two. Not to mention the one that they have seen was Cinderella and I have a feeling they will watch that again & again!
Jamiee told me they have not seen a lot of the Disney movies that have been locked away in the Area 51 vault. So, if any of my family has those and wants to share, let me know.
Tonight's movie choice:
The girls loved it. I even caught Claire watching it a few times. During the really exciting parts I was in the kitchen making dinner and I heard Jenna & Abbi say "Oh no, watch out!" and "Oh, the baby!" And when the bad guys came on...the "Oh!" and "Grr" sounds coming from the couch were too much. So funny! They were glued to the television the entire time.
We have already decided next week's movie is Flubber (with Robin Williams)...I'm super excited!
Hercules was paused about half way through to have dinner. Taco Night! By request of course.
I think those girls would eat tacos every other night if they could. They do not however, like refried beans. Lesson learned there, although they did eat the majority of what was on their plate so they could have dessert! "Worms in Dirt!"
I didn't put much in each serving, but the girls still didn't eat even half and ended up taking it home to finish tomorrow. Claire really enjoyed her "dirt" too.
After dinner we made our maracas and finished coloring our "get dirty" t-shirts.
Aunt Jo let us borrow her fabric markers. I was a little nervous letting the girls just go hog wild with them, they are super fine point and really pretty and new. They managed to do OK, but I'm not sure I will venture down that road again any time soon.
This one is Abbi's, she drew that smiley face guy with the square nose all by herself. I did not help at all! And that ".iH" in the top corner, I think that was the beginnings of her name. Pretty good, pretty good!
Dinner eating time is still the toughest part. I suppose anyone out there with children has probably experienced this, but I'm just not used to it. For me the best way I can describe it is like giving birth to a 1, 2, and 3 year old all at the same time...about a week ago. So I didn't get used to them while they got used to their bodies. Just a little reality check for my biological clock. Don't misunderstand...I don't think my is speeding up and about to stop ticking, I think mine is stuck in 1990.
Either way, next week we are having breakfast...waffles. Or, maybe stroganaff if I end up needing to use my sour cream. We shall see.
Not sure we will have a craft of any kind, but that may change if I find something super cute. The girls are just a little young and have such little patience...hmmm, sound familiar? Nothing at all like their aunt!
You are so adorable with your projects and dirt cups. Can I come to you house for WWWednesday?
Holy cuteness, Batman! I'm really craving dirt, now, too. Love!
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