Thursday, September 10, 2009

Graduation anyone?

I have the best news! Well, really it's just the best news for ME! But this is MY blog, so guess what? It's perfectly acceptable for this to be ALL ABOUT ME! ppuuuhhh!

Back to the best news!

Exciting news #1: If you go HERE you will find the Graduation page of the KSU Registrar site. When you scroll down you may notice that tickets are required to attend MY (College of Humanities and Social Science) COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2009 at 10 a.m.

And below that you will see a link to the Prospective Graduation List. If you were to click on that link you would see MY NAME right there on that list. MY NAME!

I'm sort of emotional and keep tearing up when I think about graduation...I am THRILLED!

Exciting news #2: As soon as I fill out the paper work (and get approval) I will officially be a member of the Communication Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta...which will mean I graduate with Communication honors (and a colorful cord to dress up my gown!). Technically my grades are what allow me to graduate with Communication honors...but hello! a colorful cord to dress up my gown!

Exciting news #3: If I make straight A's during this, my final semester of school, I will graduate cum laude...WITH HONORS! Holy crap! I don't know what is more scary, the fact that I am that close, or that I have to get ALL A's. No pressure!

OK, I'm done now, for now. I tried to find an appropriate photo to represent my JOY! but the one in my head is far more fitting for me. Maybe I will share it with you in 95 days, 14 hours and 23 minutes!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Way to go girl! You can do it!