In the previous post I mentioned I have been going through my closest in preparation for an approaching garage sale. In one of my boxes I found the contents of a "journal jar". Technically it was a journal baggie, but the concept is still the same.

Here is what the front of the little notebook says:
My Life Story
One day at a time! This little jar/notebook celebrates something very important - you! If you will follow a simple plan, you will have a very personal history finished! All you need to do is draw out one slip of paper each day. On it you will find a question. Spend a few minutes and just enjoy remembering. Then past or write the question at the top of a piece of paper and begin to tell about it. Don't worry about spelling, handwriting etc, just tell your story.
I received this when I was probably a Beehive, just in case you were wondering. Regardless, I have decided to follow the plan. Draw a slip of paper from the baggie (again, no jar) every day for 365 days. I am POSITIVE I will slip up and miss a day, but that's fine. We'll just see how it goes.
Look for my first of 365 Blog In A Baggie tomorrow. I have already drawn my slip (you know, so I can "spend a few minutes and just enjoy remembering") and tomorrow's post will be about:
Oh, I can almost hear your eager noising about my post from here!
All 7 of you who read my blog.
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