4th grade ~ Mrs. Brown: it was in this class that I learned to love reading. I still remember this book titled Socks (or was it Sox?) about a little white cat, I read that book a lot. I loved this class and I loved Mrs. Brown.
Choir ~ all: I can honestly say that every choir class I ever participated in was a life changing experience. It taught me discipline and fortitude...oh, and to sing. I mean, sure I was probably born with most of that talent, but practice makes perfect.
As for classes specific to high school or college outside of the realm of choir, I'm not sure that I could pick just one, or even two that had a great influence on me, or that the teacher had a great influence on me. I will say that Alisa Jackson is the toughest writing prof I have had in college...she taught me a lot and because of it I managed to pull great grades in other classes.
Now if I can just take a class that will give me a little more confidence in my abilities and what I am trying to do with my life...I'll be set.
That's all for post 1 of 365 in the Blog in a Baggie challenge! Until 2 of 365...
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