Wednesday, July 1, 2009

i had NO idea...

So tonight I was talking to my Dad about our ancestors. I am completely taken by history, particularly my own (family history). When someone talks about them I feel like a little girl sitting on the floor at the knee of the best story teller known to man.

Tonight Dad told me I could go to the new Family Search program on line and see my pedigree. And low and behold look what I found:

It turns out that all I have to do is click the "...find husband" button and walaah!

Wish I had known it was THAT easy!

ha. ha. ha.
I get funnier with age, don't you think?

Only 12 more days til the big 35...yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Found your blog - love it! How are u? Hope all is well :) Love April P.s I love the music on your page!