Friday, May 22, 2009

I have a 6 day break between Maymester (ended today) and Summer semester (starts Thursday).  

There is so much I need to get accomplished, the constant list in my head is haunting me.

I learned from my leadership class (and the 'rents) that I should write my goals down and I will have a better chance of success.  That is why I have decided to publish this list here on planet Katherine for all to see.  Of course you should feel free to call me out on anything you know I have still not accomplished and I will continually update the blog with my progress.  

I think my list will probably be a bit overzealous, but I need to shoot for the moon and knowing I can grab a star or two if I fall short, will give me great comfort.  It's just a list and lists are meant to be revised, so I'm OK with that.  Here goes, in no particular order:
  • Read the conference issue of The Ensign
  • Finish the family photo scan project
  • Finish reading James Patterson's Sundays at Tiffany's
  • Start new book (leaning toward Po Bronson's Why Do I Love These People) suggestions welcome
  • Begin exercise routine
  • Organize and clean desk, prepare for Summer semester
  • Clean and rearrange furniture in living room...again
  • Finish "Welcome" sign 
  • Finish stripping and sanding kitchen table
  • Finish (or at least begin) Dad's birthday present
  • Finish Abbi's blanket
  • Start another blanket
  • Clean bathroom (yes, I have to put it on my list to get it done!)
  • Clean out refrigerator
  • Find a job or internship
  • Watch a movie I have never seen, suggestions welcome
  • Put away ALL the laundry
  • Clean out dresser
Holy crud, I have a lot to do and not much time.  Especially since during this time I will also be writing a paper for that horrible film class that I just finished today.  Yes, the paper is due after the class is over.  Glad I didn't have to stress about that too, but irritated that he was not on top of things enough to determine 2 weeks ago when the paper would be due.  Ugh.  

Oh, and I will also be making a wedding cake next week too.  Maybe I should prioritize that list, I have a feeling right now the priority is easiest first!

Well, wish me luck and check on me often.  If you have free time and are just dying to come clean my bathroom...bring gloves!  ha! ha!


Supershepherds said...

So I'm just catching up with your, you are a busy gal. I love your list of goals. Joshua would recommend the book "The 5000 Year Leap" by Cleon Skousen and I would recommend the DVD Bride Wars (if you want hilarious fluff) or Amazing Grace (if you want a political period piece that will make you think.)


Nettie's Blog said...

i love it when you have a list of things to do and you can check them off...such a feeling of accomplishment...Yeah!!! you go girl...