Sunday, January 18, 2009

6 & 6 Photo Tag

Lisa 6 & 6 Photo Tagged me...yes, I made up the name all on my own!

You know the routine, you go to the 6th folder in your photos folder on your pc and choose the 6th photo within that folder.  Oh, and you tell the story behind that photo. 

Here is mine:

This is a temporary structure that was built over a pool in a community north of Atlanta.  A friend of mine works for the manufacturer of this structure and was not able to be in town when it was completed so he asked me to run by and take some photos.  I do like how the sun shines in this one.  Temporary structures has sort of been my life for the past 7ish years so if you never understood what I was talking about, now you know.

And for my final act, I TAG:

Anne ~ because you need to blog something already
Jo ~ because I am guessing you have an interesting photo in your 6 & 6
Monika ~ because I am paying you back for the previous tag, which I am still contemplating
Heidi ~ because hello...where are you!?!
Charisse ~ because I am hoping in your 6 & 6 there is a picture of a dummy

...and anyone else that wants to play along!  Because THIS is what makes blogs more interesting!

1 comment:

Charisse Baxter said...

I'm working on this, I SWEAR - It's just that my sixth folder in "My Pictures" isn't pictures, it's blog clipart (and the sixth image in the folder is a Calvin and Hobbes drawing, and I don't remember why I have it!). And the seventh folder doesn't have six pictures - it has two ADDITIONAL folders of pictures plus four loose shots (wooo! Wanton photos over here! Kidding. Sorry). Anyway, it's all very confusing. I may try counting from the bottom, instead...