Sunday, August 24, 2008

2008 SA Conference...

This past weekend frienimies and strangers gathered in the Stone Mountain area for the 2008 Atlanta LDS Single Adult Conference. I'm not here to tell you about the it will make my cry, but I did deem myself official fotog taker at a few times during the weekend and got some extremely funny and even embarrassing pics of the group. Doesn't take much to realize why we are single.

In addition to meeting some new singledome bff's I got to hang with some bff's from the past and I had to post mug shots of my smok'n hot friends!

These smok'n caliente chicas making me look good are Malissa & Paige
What would I do without these girls?!
Sit in the ladies room and cry, that is what I would do.

These extreme hotties are sisters Betsy & Julie, for the bazillionth time we are not sisters.

And not to be forgotten, posing here with Paigilicious is the ever so talented and charming Susan!
Yes, she ditched out last night right in the mid-life crisis of the dance.
Shame, shame...wish she would have taken me with her!

...and we hope you enjoyed this snippit of the singles gone wild weekend!
(ha, ha, ha, I think I just peed a little, that is freaking hilarious!)

1 comment:

Jen Thomas said...

fun pics! I know Paige too- she is a sweetie! at least you had friends there to hang with and have some fun! Prince Charming is out there... maybe just not at SA conference!