Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kisses and hugs

This is my niece Char:

She has a personality all her own, as you can see.
It has been months since I've seen her without a skirt over her pants/shorts, she is a trip.
Today I taught her how to ding dong was awesome, more on that later. Don't worry my other siblings, I'll teach your littles soon enough.

I had been there a while and needed to get home so I asked her for a kiss but (as expected) she said "no" and ran away. I called after her and said "But I need a kiss to leave, when can I have one?" From the porch she yelled, "Um, how about never?" ha! ha!

So I went inside to gather my things, kiss and love on Jack and then headed out to my car. I started backing out slowly, that's when I saw her running up the driveway to my car. I stopped, my car and opened the door. She came right up to me and gave me the sweetest kiss, said "I love you" and started to walk away. Then she stopped and turned around to say, "...and a hug too!" and gave me such a great little hug. I just love that crazy girl.

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