Monday, September 20, 2010

for the love of new tableware

Am I the only person that has been too busy writing on my own blog to catch up on all the great things being written about in the rest of the blogosphere? I know I can't be, because there are so many other bloggers out there far more busy than little ol' me.

Time does tell, that is true. Because tonight I managed to spend a moment over at Hostess With The Mostess where I found yet another item to add to my wish list...

Woodland Cameo plates and mugs by Rosanna, Inc.

I am in love. Can you see the owl? She's wearing a crown! And I'm pretty sure that's mistletoe hanging above the squirrels. And even if I just made that part up, I still love them. I would serve you carrot cake on these during our Halloween dinner party there is no doubt.

See that little black birdy sitting on the plate box? I want him too.

I'll blog about something more meaningful tomorrow.