Monday, June 1, 2009

New Moon...

Twilight becomes more and more of a disappointment each time I watch it, that I have not really been looking forward to New Moon.  That is, until now:

Edward still looks a little too made up for my taste.  I realize he is supposed to be pale white...that vampire look...but looking at him on screen makes me want to give him a make over.  HOWEVER...I can deal with it for now, as long as I get to watch Jacob.  Wow.  

And can I say it's about time that we saw some of those exciting new special effects features!  For crying out loud, everyone raved about the fight scene in Twilight and I just kept that it?  But when Jacob morphs into the wolf...WOW!  I am super excited. 

I am a little worried though, I was super excited about Twilight back in the day of the first preview's crossing my fingers for something better.


Martha H. said...

Nice! Looks a bit more exciting than the first one.

Rocketgirl said...

I'm totally geeked for it too - I eman have you seen the pictures of Edward shirtless in the italian square??? But le sigh, it appears Kristen Stewart still can't act... okay, I'll try and over look that. Jacob looks delish anyway :)

Jamiee said...

Oh I am super ooober excited about this one!! Jacob's morphing looks awesome! And why is it that they made Jacob so much more attractive than Edward?? Isn't Edward supposed to be the dreamy one...? they need to do something about that, lol!

Supershepherds said...

Yeah, I'm still not so sure. I'm sure I'll wait till DVD.